1 Introduction
This report is produced to discuss the muti-project and programme environment. Leadership and risk management in programme management is considered. The academic resource is referenced to support the argument of influence of a leader to the programme team and the impact of risk to the programme. Both issued are answered considering the programme management exercise on the module. Although the term “programme” is used frequently, the in module exercise is a portfolio management which consists of a group of programmes and several projects.
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Steven 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Steven 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
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Steven 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Q: 近來的車輛使用電瓶的壽命似乎較以往舊型車輛之電瓶壽命為短,為什麼?
ACDelco 超極智能電瓶為最新之 AGM 電瓶
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只要做好「五油」─汽油、機油、變速箱油、動力方向機油及煞車油,加上「三水」─水箱水、 雨刷水及電瓶水,再加上「五」個輪胎的基礎保養,就可以有效降低拋錨機率。
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Steven 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
最近很多人問原廠機油品牌 ACDelco、Shell、Total、Mobil 等,都增加了Dexos1、Dexos2 認證,這是什麼認證??
Dexos 1& 2 為GM最高等級引擎機油( ACDelco隸屬於GM公司),是GM在2010年發佈,為了符合歐盟環保法規要求下生產的新式引擎所制定的新認證標準,因為標準相當嚴格,其他原廠也紛紛跟進以達到新車製造的高品質訴求。
Dexos 1 用於汽油缸內直噴引擎,
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